Moving News
The saying goes: Three moves is as good as a fire
for getting rid of things. Mighty close to being true. We just
finished moving our offices from Clackamas to Oregon City, just a
few miles away. We're happy to report that there was virtually no
interruption of our service to you. (Of course behind the scenes,
it will be a while before we find everything!)

So, dear reader, just how does this move affect
you? Probably not at all. We're keeping the same Post Office box
(for a while) and our 800 number stays the same. About the only
change is for our local customers: Our old number will be
forwarded, probably for a year or so, to our new, local number:
503.723.3456. (Cool number, eh?) Meanwhile, it's just business as
usual. Thanks for all your support during all these changes.

As the song goes:
Spam, spam, spam,
Spam, spam, spam, spam
It's just not funny any
more. Really now, who would actually respond to something from ""?
Or with "V1c\odin ? V:a:lium <
v1@gra % Xan:a:x So|m|a * Pntermi/n/ llcjivtejwcu" in the
subject line?
Here at
we actually receive more than 1800 spams a day! Even with a good
spam filter, it chews up a lot of our processing time just
deleting them, much less having any hope of prosecuting the idiots
that perpetrate this trash.
Excuse us for venting,
but we'd be more than happy to
entertain any ideas of how to put a halt to this international
and phenomenal waste of time. Who is it benefiting?


The Principality of Andorra, nestled in the Pyrenees between
France and Spain, is jointly ruled by the bishop of Urgel, in
Spain, and the president of France acting as a single Chief