Road Warriors?
We've been doing some traveling to bring our
goods to you. To see where we've been and where we're going,
remember to view our

At the Douglas County
Highland Games
From ethnic festivals to teachers'
conferences, it seems like everyone's interested in
Labor Day weekend we were at the 27th Annual
All British Field Meet.
Just a heck of a lot of fun. Which makes us think of the

Regarding :

Remember, the official name for this country
is "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". In
January of 1801, the flags of St George (for England), St Andrew
(for Scotland) and St Patrick (for Northern Ireland) were combined
to form what is now known as the "Union Jack". Notice that there's
more white of St Andrew's above the red of St Patrick on the
left and more below it on the right of the flag. This shows
respect for the fact that Scotland was an earlier member of the UK
than Northern Ireland. There's lots more history to this than we
can relate here, but it may give you an incentive to do a little
research on your own.

Please recall that we have over 250 different
flags in stock in many sizes
and remember when ordering a flag of "England" to distinguish it
from the flag of the UK.

Want to know more about the UK? Try their
National Statistics
website. Example: "45% of minority ethnic people (in the UK)
live in London."