Both kinds
Remember the movie, "The Blues
Brothers"? When they asked at the cowboy bar what kind of music
the folks there liked, the reply was, "Oh, we like both
kinds: We like Country and Western!"
Well, we were exhibiting in a
small town's Celtic Festival once and inquired at the pizza parlor
what kinds of beer they had there and the woman replied "We've got
both kinds: We've got Bud and Bud Light!"
So this is just a reminder that
we do both kinds of exhibitions: Educational and ethnic events.
Here we were at the annual NAFSA
convention this year.

(Those bright lights on the board behind us are our
decals in the flash.)
Remember to visit our

Regarding :
(Not to
correct proportions.) |
What do the above flags have in common? Yes,
it's that horizontal cross, said to be representative of the
Lutheran influence in these northern countries. If you hold your
mouse over one of the images, we'll show you which country it is.
Try to guess first! (OK one of them is not actually a country, but
a possession of Denmark. However, it has a cool flag and balances
out our little display.)
As usual, there's more to these designs than we
can relate here, but it may give you an incentive to do a little
research on your own.

Please recall that we have over 250 different
flags in stock in many sizes
and remember when looking at a flag of "Denmark" to distinguish it
from the flag of Switzerland!