Social Networking, Anyone?
Everybody's doin' it? And why not? It's free!
On Twitter, we post pithy and occasionally humorous thoughts –
usually flag-related of course.
Facebook gives us the opportunity to chat a bit more and
occasionally offer images or videos on a number of subjects –
again, flag-related.
LinkedIn is more business-like. The profile is of our Fahnen
Meister and can deal with discussions of flag-related issues.
Join! Connect! Follow!
This is our favorite planet!
“fint”, anyone?


New Newsletter Format
After eight years of putting these newsletters out, we’ve
finally decided to change the format. Rather than just sending
you an email with a link to the newsletter, we’re including it
right in your inbox.
What do you think? Please let us know if it formats funny.
(That’s funny strange, not funny ha-ha.)
Remember, you can always view any previous newsletter in
our archives. Happy reading!

What do these flags
have in common?

All three are related to Northern Ireland. Read more about this
fascinating issue on:

Of course
all of these
flags in various sizes.

Once known as Celon, it became independent from the UK in 1948.
It’s local name? Shri Lamka Prajatantrika Samajaya di Janarajaya/Ilankai
Jananayaka Choshalichak Kutiyarachu.
We call it Sri Lanka.