Disasters Happen
Here's a tip: backup your email files. "It couldn't happen here,"
doesn't work. Here at
the brand-new mother board fried in our main computer. Having
the board replaced was relatively simple, but it required
re-installing the operating system, which required re-formatting
the hard drive, re-installing all the software, etc. To cut to
the punch line, we lost all email for about eight months. So,
Dear Reader, if you were expecting some correspondence and
wondering what's up, please ask again.
Forewarned is forearmed. Be assured that we now have adequate
backup systems installed. Do you?

Just the FAQs
Please take a look at our new
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page. It just might save
you some time and make your browsing experience more fun.

The question has come up as to in which order the flags of
the US Armed Services should be properly displayed. The
regulation that directs this is
Department of Defense Directive 1005.8; Order of
Precedence of Members of Armed Forces of the United States When
in Formations, dated 31 October 1977.
Beyond the fascinating history, here's the simple answer: protocol
prescribes that under normal circumstances, the flags and seals
of the various branches should be displayed thusly:
1. Army
2. Marines
3. Navy
4. Air Force
5. Coast Guard

Last Offer/Quiz Answer:
Last issue's beautiful flag was that of the tiny country of