The Personal Corner
issue we mentioned that we planned to exhibit at the joint fall conference
The theme was "Many Languages, Many Cultures, One Vision" and it
was a fine conference indeed.

We've been exhibiting at conferences for these
teachers for nearly eighteen years and we can't help but comment
on what a dedicated group of professionals we think they are.
Many thanks to all of you teachers for the important work you do
with our youth.

The Old and the New
A fellow member of our local
Chamber of Commerce
just presented us with a book she had recently acquired. It is a
hard back version of a special edition of The National
Geographic Magazine (Vol. XXXII, No. 4, pp. 420, October,
1917), written by B. McCandless, and G. Grosvenor, and entitled
Our Flag Number or Flags of the World. You'll be
hearing more about this publication in future articles of this
newsletter, but for right now, we'd like to quote from the
opening paragraph:
symbolize the noble aspirations and glorious achievements of
the human race; they epitomize the romance of history; they
incarnate the chivalry of the ages.
Boy. We don't write like that
any more, do we?
Coincidentally, whilst using
to look up the term "vexillologists" for the accompanying
article on "Flag Animals", we came upon a fascinating reference
to a paper presented in 2003 by one Jonathan A Matusitz of the
University of Oklahoma at a Convention for the National
Communication Association. The title of the abstract of his
paper is "Vexillology or How Flags Speak: A Semiotic Analysis".
We quote from the abstract:
Flags are
communication par excellence, as a new development
determined by the fact that today’s society uses more visual
signs than ever and that people rely on such signs for the
information they need.
Did you ever wonder why we love flags so?

10% discount offer/quiz

Happy Holidays!
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Last Offer/Quiz Answer:
Last issue's flag was that of, not the movie, but the country of