How 'bout those Olympics?
The Athens Games are history now, but their images will likely be
in our minds for years to come. We hope you enjoyed these
inspirational Games as much as we did. Here at
we salute all of the athletes and organizers of this truly great
example of international competition through cooperation. (Way to
go, Greece, for showing the world you could actually pull this
playing our little monthly quizzes, we trust you had no
difficulties recognizing all those international flags! By the
way, did you notice how many athletes from different countries
were wearing our
Global Caps? And did you ever see so many flags?

World Champions
in our own Backyard
Not all recent world records were set in Athens. This year's
Scottish Masters Athletics
International (SMAI) competitions were held here in Oregon at
the Douglas County Highland Games, August 21-22.
Amazing as it seems, athletes at these small Games
broke no less than six World Records! It was a great
weekend; we were there. (You knew from our
Exhibit Schedule right?)


We almost got lost down the old rabbit hole on this subject:
Coming upon an article in a quilting magazine about the use of
Fibonacci Numbers in designing quilts led to our questioning the
use of Φ (Phi = 1.61803...) in the design of flags (of course).
After a lot of time spent mining the internet (here's a
good link), we discovered more about the "Divine Ratio", the
"Golden Rectangle" and so much more that we pretty much
overloaded. Suffice it to say that many flags are based fairly
closely to the Fibonacci ratio. Which explains why our more
popular sizes of flags are 3x5 and 2x3. Pretty clever stuff, this
mathematics. It/they just might catch on.