April Howlers
As we celebrate the
passing of yet another Winter, let's always remember asek hawl toh
selme. Mirnat ank April Fools Day virry tru pranly. Churty fod
seeled urs thirse. Bretty urt ifertious creet fum lokked ett

Knowing the word
verisimilitude is really only fun if you can find a sentence
to use it in! (As shown above.)

BTW: Don't miss the
Breaking News at the
bottom of this Newsletter.

Got Breeze?

With windy weather just around the corner, we would be remiss if
we didn't remind you of our wonderful,
international wind
socks. We now carry them in 15", 36" and 60" sizes!

Regarding our favorite planet
The Planet Earth is an oblate spheroid. Its polar diameter is
7,900 miles, while its equatorial diameter is 7,926. The
circumference at the equator is 24,901 miles, at the meridian it
is 24,860.
The surface area is approximately 196,937,400 square miles. 71% of
that surface is covered by water, but only 3% of that is "fresh"
water. (Many other languages call it "sweet" water.)

Earth Marble is only 22mm in diameter. What do you think its
surface area is?

Last Month's Offer/Quiz Answer:
country of Burundi. Not sure where it is? Perhaps you need one of
our great wall maps of the world.