The Year of Languages
On June 23, 2003, in the 1st Session of the 108th Congress of
the United States, Senate Resolution 170 designated the years
2004 and 2005 as 'Years of Foreign Language Study'. Now that
we are beginning the school year encompassed by those years,
we just thought you might be interested in reviewing the
Resolution itself.

From one ethnic event to another: See how nicely our German
windsocks flew
at the Oktoberfest at Oaks Park held here in Portland?
We'll be telling you more
about the poles they're hanging from in a future edition of
The News.
This one can telescope to 22' feet. Flyin' high!


Saõ Tomé & Prìncipe is a single sovereign state that comprises two
main islands and four islets about 120 miles off the coast of
Gabon in the Atlantic Ocean. It's the smallest country in Africa,
with a population totaling about 180,000 people.
We learned some things about this tiny country reading Joseph
Wilson's book, The Politics of Truth. Putting all politics
aside, the first half of this book is a fascinating read about
diplomat's life in Africa and the Middle East.
Much more statistical information on Saõ Tomé & Prìncipe is
available at the CIA's
World Factbook website.