New Store Location
Over a year after leaving our old location at
Mall 205 in Portland, we have opened our new retail location.

Going up!
We are now located in the Sunnybrook
Center in Clackamas, Oregon. Locals and Portlanders will find
us one block south of Sunnyside Road, just off SE 82nd
Avenue, near Sweet Tomatoes restaurant, on the way to Costco.
Here’s a
map. We’re now open from 10 to 6 Monday through Saturday, 11
to 6 on Sundays.
(Web hours: 24/7/365)

for Kids

Band in a Box
What a value! Whopping 10 piece set is chock-full of favorites guaranteed to bring hours of
musical joy, all conveniently packed in a sturdy wooden storage
case! Ages 3+

Regarding Afghanistan:
of the two official languages of Afghanistan, Persian, is
generally referred to as “Farsi” in Iran and “Dari” in
This fact from
Languages of the World by Kenneth Katzner.

The internationally recognized flag of
Afghanistan is the flag of the pre-Taliban government. It is the
flag that has been flying at the UN throughout the Taliban regime
that was never internationally recognized.

We have over 250 different
flags in stock in many sizes.

Badshah Khan, the Afghan contemporary of
Mahtama Ghandi, trained a well-disciplined army of 100,000
non-violent Pashtun warriors in the struggle for independence
from British colonial rule.